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Conus Implant Supported Hybrid Removable Denture
What is the ATLANTIS Conus Concept?

Conus is a hybrid (implant-retained and tissue supported) removable denture with the feel and function of a fixed implant-retained prosthesis. Conus is friction retained denture, supported by patient-specific titanium CAD abutments. The Atlantis fabricated Conus CAD abutments can facilitate up to a combined 30 degree of angle correction. The system is processed directly into the implant and is available for most internally hexed implant systems. A minimum of four implants per arch is required and the AP spread can be shallow without compromising retention or function. This makes Conus an ideal solution for patients with minimal bone. The final denture can be processed with or without a facial vestibule. For patient comfort, the palate horseshoe design. The Conus concept can also be used in partial application where fixed options could potentially cause hygienic issues due to bone deficiencies.
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